Apply to Bezalel
הרשמה לבצלאל
التسجيل في بتسلئيل
Applying for a Bachelor’s Degree at Bezalel
Undergraduate registration for the 2025-2026 academic year is in full swing.
In order to apply, as part of the application, one must produce:
Valid High School Diploma - One can present either a full Israeli high school diploma (Bagrut), or an equivalent diploma that is recognized by the Ministry of Education in Israel.
Hebrew level:
Bezalel is taught mainly in Hebrew, and students who do not have a Bagrut certificate will have to take a Hebrew level exam in order to participate in the degree programs. Students will need level “Hey” or 100 on their יעלנט/יע"לtest. They can apply with a level “Daled” (finished level “Gimmel”) with the understanding that they will be up to level “Hey” by the end of their first year of studies. Without that level they will not be able to continue their studies.