Support Bezalel
תמיכה בבצלאל
إدعموا بتسلئيل
Your support can make a significant difference in the lives of our students, in the continuing expansion of our scope and vision, in the form and functions that Bezalel can and will embrace in the years to come – in our dreams and our deeds.
Please stand with us as we educate, inform and nurture the next generation of aspiring artists, designers and architects. Please help our students hone their nascent talents to transform the art and design world with pioneering originality and creativity. Please help ensure our unique approach to teaching and learning continues to set the standard and lead the way in Israel and abroad.
Please partner with us as Bezalel proudly builds for the future.
How to make a Donation:
Tax deductible donations in the USA can be made to the Friends of Bezalel Inc., a 501c3 association:
1. Via Paypal
2. Via Bank Transfer:
To make a gift by wire transfer:
Account Name: Friends of Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design, Inc.
Account No.: 03-6766-2
Bank: Israel Discount Bank of NY
Bank Address: 1114 Avenue of the Americas, NY NY 10026
ABA No.: 026009768
To send a check:
Friends of Bezalel
Attention: Dana Gluck, Executive Director
244 5th Avenue, Suite 2734
New York, NY 10001
For tax-deductible donations, Bezalel UK works under the auspices of UK Gives Ltd. (charity no. 1161366), as one of their Israeli-based projects.
To make your donation:
- Via debit or credit card: - Via Bank Transfer:
Account: UK Gives Ltd.
Bank: Bank: Lloyds Bank
Sort code: 771703
Account: 39408560
For reference, please be sure to mark in the “notes/reference” the ID number of Bezalel Academy: 580044345
UK Gives will issue a tax receipt to your email, and we will send confirmation as well once we see the donation has gone through.
For more information:
Danna Heller
Bezalel UK Director, London
Tax deductible donations in Israel can be made directly to Bezalel Academy (a non-profit organization with Article 46A status)
1. Via Bank Transfer
Name of Account: Bezalel Academy
Name of Bank: Bank Leumi Le-Israel BM
Bank Code: 10
Branch Address: 1-3 Kiryat Hamada, Jerusalem
Branch: Jerusalem Main 901
Account no. 28780063
IBAN: IL810109010000028780063
2. Via debit or credit card (tax receipt also relevant for Canada and France)
For more information:
Tali Dowek
Vice President for Resource Development
Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design Jerusalem
What to Support:
Help us Replenish Bezalel’s Emergency Student Support Fund.
“As you probably know the reality in Israel is a very complex one, and the choice to go on studying at Bezalel is not simple as one keeps asking himself what is the meaning of what I do, and how does what I do help...? Receiving this support shows me there are people who value and understand the power of art, and its ability to counter hate and propose other options other than violence and ignorance. Thank you for helping me keep walking on this path.”
– Student in the Master’s Program in Policy and Theory of the Arts, 2024
Bezalel Academy’s 2024-2025 academic year is underway with 2500 art and design students personifying humanistic, intellectual, and artistic enterprise.
Since October 7th, Bezalel Academy, Friends of Bezalel, and Bezalel UK have committed to providing all students with the financial support they need and with essential academic and emotional assistance.
Last year our Emergency Student Support Fund provided 360 tuition scholarships, personal and group counseling sessions, and other mental health support to 1589 students, and individualised academic tutoring and assistance to 370 reservists and 249 students in need.
This year too, we are hoping you will rally once more and come to our students’ aid.
We have, therefore, launched an international month-long campaign to replenish the Emergency Student Support Fund, to boost the Academy’s resilience so it can continue to provide a lifeline to Israel’s next generation of cultural leaders.
We hope the campaign will make a considerable dent in the $600,000 we need to raise this academic year. Every sum we raise will go directly to a student in need.
Please consider helping us reach this goal by donating today:
More donation options available above, under “How to Make a Donation”.
We are grateful for your help.
In October 2022, the Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design Jerusalem will welcome its students and faculty members to its new home in the heart of Jerusalem.
Bezalel’s extensive support network includes scholarships that embrace a wide-range of possibilities and populations: from tuition and housing, assistance and mentoring support for students with financial needs and learning disabilities, to discharged soldiers, new immigrants, Arabic-speaking students and students with special needs, among others.
For Information on student scholarship support options please contact:
Bezalel is spearheading the exploration and development of the promising new field of art and design research, which applies singular strategies to the investigation of a wide range of challenging scientific, intellectual and social problems. This enables the Academy to produce innovative, useful and groundbreaking results while remaining both scholarly and imaginative.
Design thinking is an integral component of today’s technological revolution. This new reality is particularly critical in Israel, which is renowned for its innovative high-tech sector. Bezalel helps its students and faculty become involved in this pioneering convergence of art and technology, design and innovation, science and creativity, by introducing them to the requisite terminology and skill sets and mentoring them as they find their place in this expanding ecosystem. Their efforts focus on channeling research results into entrepreneurial enterprises and creating solutions that will enhance everyday life, leading the way in this exciting era of advances and innovation.
Bezalel believes that creating an outstanding professional infrastructure for continuous teaching development will produce a more meaningful learning and teaching experience for both students and teachers, particularly in the distinctive environment of an art and design academic educational institution. The Academy’s unique Teaching Center focuses on augmenting the abilities of Bezalel’s educators to maximize every student’s potential while examining the optimal methodology for teaching art and design. The Center’s continuing research is intended to improve data-driven teaching and to apply lessons from arts and design pedagogy to all fields of higher education.
Bezalel has nine departments that offer undergraduate degrees: Industrial Design; Ceramics and Glass Design; Visual Communication; Fine Art; Screen-Based Arts; Photography; Jewelry and Fashion Design; Architecture; and Visual and Material Culture. All departments would appreciate assistance in awarding Prizes for Excellence, Tuition Scholarships, support for Student Exchanges Abroad, grants for Young Graduates, the acquisition of equipment and materials and funding for workshops, seminars and exhibitions.
Please visit our BA department pages via the links above to learn more about each of our Undergraduate Departments
Bezalel has five graduate programs: Master in Fine Arts (M.F.A.); Master in Industrial Design; Master in Policy and Theory of the Arts; Master in Urban Design; and Master in Visual Communication. Their programmatic needs include underwriting for the Annual Graduates Exhibitions, Residencies; New Technology Integrations; and International Faculty Exchanges.
Please visit our Master's program pages via the links above to learn more about each of our Graduate Programs
Bezalel has always understood that its faculty and students can make a unique contribution to the world around them; that as artists and designers they can be agents of cultural innovation and examples of responsible citizenship in the public, private and non-profit sectors. For decades, the Academy’s faculty and students have embraced community involvement – creating social, educational and environmental programs for schoolchildren and teenagers, for people with disabilities and for the disadvantaged – throughout the city and country. Bezalel has added to these extensive efforts by expanding its academic agenda to include courses that marry these vital issues and challenges with practical programs and concrete outreach efforts.
Click for more detailed information on our Outreach Programs
Through its collaborations with over 180 of the world’s best art schools and academic institutions – and a growing number of partnerships and relationships with galleries, institutes and multinational companies worldwide – Bezalel is recognized by its peers for the caliber of its curriculum, renowned guest lecturers, cooperative research projects and outstanding faculty exchange programs. Bezalel also offers an exceptionally extensive student exchange program, collaborating with over leading academic institutions in Asia, Europe, the US, South America and Australia.
Click for more information on our International Collaborations
Donor Recognition
Bezalel would be pleased and proud to discuss the many options for tax-exempt contributions, the specifics of your gift and how we show our appreciation through public recognition of your support.
Your gift will help Bezalel sustain our mission and realize our vision. Your generosity will enable us to move forward with innovative and exciting new ideas that will dramatically impact the present and future. Your investment will enable us to proceed proudly into the future knowing that friends like you are standing alongside us.
Bezalel's Major Donors and Supporters
We would like to thank the following donors, foundations, and funds for their gifts to Bezalel. We are honored to have you among our partners as we pioneer originality and creativity, inspirre novel ideas and human-centered advances.
Romie and Blanche Shapiro z"l, USA
Dame Vivien Duffield, Clore Israel Foundation, Israel
Patrick and Lina Drahi Foundation
Polonsky Foundation, UK
The Russell Berrie Foundation, USA
Jack, Joseph and Morton Mandel Foundation, USA
Edmond de Rothschild Foundation, Israel
Idan and Batia Ofer
William Davidson Foundation, USA
Marcella and Abner Brenner, USA
Charles and Lynn Schusterman Family Philanthropies
Charles Bronfman Family, Canada
Louise Yasgour, USA
Maurice and Vivienne Wohl Philanthropic Foundation, UK
The Ted Arison Family Foundation
Linda and Ilan Kaufthal, USA
Basil Guralnick Bernstein MD, USA/Israel
Younes and Soraya Nazarian Family Foundation, USA
Ralph Inbar z"l, The Netherlands
Maimonides Fun
David Berg Foundation, USA
Paul and Deane Shatz Foundation, USA
Denis Weil, Israel
Aileen S. Cooper, USA
Max Goldberg, USA
Lily Mars, USA
Michael and Pauline Lockman z”l, USA
Nicole and Raanan Agus, USA/Israel
Dr. Eugene Elovic and Family
Rivka Saker and Uzi Zucker, Israel/USA
Andy Bronfman z"l and Family, Canada/USA
מלכה בן יוסף ז"ל, ישראל
Wolfson Family Charitable Trust, UK
Arch. Tamara Herbstein z"l and Ing. Ozias Herbstein z"l, Israel
Prof. Edith Koyoumdjisky-Kaye z"l, Israel
Aaron Gutwirth Fund, Israel
Roe Green, USA
Ludwig and Erica Jesselson z"l, USA
Tibor Gerstl Trust, USA
Israel Scholarship Education Foundation (ISEF)
Alexander Grass Foundation, USA
Paul and Karen Levy Family Foundation, USA
Gabriel Sherover Foundation, Israel
Eytan Kaufman, USA
Shirley M. and Solomon M. Weiss, USA
Evelyn M. Graber and Harriette Graber-Siegel, USA
Edward Lee, UK
Orna Schestowitz, Israel
Kirsh Foundation
Sivia Loria, USA
Zvi Agmon, Israel
Lauren and Mitchell Presser, USA
David and Jennifer Millstone, USA
Liu Shiming Art Foundation, USA
The Gottesman Family, USA
Yad Hanadiv, Israel
Galit and Yosef Sela, Israel
Liora and Mickey Federmann, Israel
Richard Rubin, USA