Ynet | Can a post-October 7 Israel still be considered home? A final project in the Department of Architecture raises questions about migration Graduates' Exhibitions Media Publications School of Architecture Alumni
The 2024 Bezalel graduates website is live Graduates' Exhibitions Alumni Department of Fine Arts School of Architecture
Interview with Prof. Arch. Els Verbakel, Head of the School of Architecture On architectural education and architecture in the current era Media Publications School of Architecture Architecture
Congratulations to the recipients of the 2024 Clore-Bezalel Scholarship for the Royal College of Art in London – RCA Awards & Accolades Alumni Scholarship Department of Visual Communication
Arch. Yuval Bar has been promoted to the rank of associate professor School of Architecture Architecture Lecturers Awards & Accolades
Bezalel congratulates the external lecturers who won an Excellence in Teaching Award for the 2022-2023 academic year Lecturers Awards & Accolades
Graduation ceremony for the 2022 Bezalel graduates Bezalel congratulates the graduates of the 2022 undergraduate and graduate degrees on the receipt of their diplomas Alumni Events Cross Academic
Arch. Eyal Ivri is the Winner of the 2021 Rechter Prize for a Young Architect Awards & Accolades Architecture
Alumni of the Architecture Department won second place in the David Azerieli Architecture Student Prize Architecture Awards & Accolades Alumni
The Department of Architecture places First and Second in the “Carbon-Free Future” Competition Architecture Awards & Accolades
The book of the Israeli Pavilion at the 17th Venice Architecture Biennale received the DAM Architectural Book Award Architecture Department of Visual Communication Awards & Accolades