Post-Its installation at the Ralph Inbar Gallery of the Department of Screen-Based Arts Department of Screen-Based Arts
From the shortlist to the Oscar | The movie "Letter to a Pig" is available to watch Department of Screen-Based Arts Animation Media Publications
Two Animated Short Films by Bezalel Graduates Lee Dror and Dafna Awadish Golan on the Longlist for the Oscar Alumni Department of Photography Department of Screen-Based Arts
Two short animated films by Bezalel graduates on the Oscar shortlist Tal Kantor and Karni Arieli Alumni Department of Photography Department of Screen-Based Arts
Bezalel graduates are the winners of the Game of the Year award for Apple's iPad Yuval Markowitz, Alon Simon and Oren Rubin Awards & Accolades Alumni Lecturers Department of Screen-Based Arts
Video Installation at Bezalel Calls for the Return of the Hostages Emergency Initiatives Cross Academic
A open call for Bezalel’s Media Headquarters Department of Visual Communication Department of Screen-Based Arts Call for Applications Emergency Initiatives
Tom Koryto Bluman's final project is nominated for an Academy Award Department of Screen-Based Arts Awards & Accolades News Media Publications
Bezalel congratulates the external lecturers who won an Excellence in Teaching Award for the 2022-2023 academic year Lecturers Awards & Accolades
Graduation ceremony for the 2022 Bezalel graduates Bezalel congratulates the graduates of the 2022 undergraduate and graduate degrees on the receipt of their diplomas Alumni Events Cross Academic
The new Jack, Joseph and Morton Mandel Bezalel Campus | Useful information for the Bezalel community The new campus is located at 1 Zmora St., Jerusalem The New Campus