Israela Shaer Meoded Appointed Senior Fellow for the Promotion of Equality, Diversity and Coexistence at Bezalel Lecturers Department of Screen-Based Arts
Anatomical Illustration by Ziv Lenzner published in Prestigious International Journal Science Department of Screen-Based Arts Lecturers Awards & Accolades Media Publications
Bezalel Graduates are Winners of the Ministry of Culture Prizes in the Field of Art Department of Fine Arts Department of Photography Department of Screen-Based Arts Department of Visual Communication
Portfolio | The Jewish Museum in New York Acquires Ruth Patir’s Video Installation commissioned for the Venice Biennale Department of Screen-Based Arts Awards & Accolades Media Publications Lecturers
Ohad Milstein is the Winner of the Ministry of Culture Prize to Encourage Creativity in the Field of Cinema Department of Screen-Based Arts Awards & Accolades Master's in Fine Arts Lecturers
The 2024 Bezalel graduates website is live Graduates' Exhibitions Alumni Department of Fine Arts School of Architecture
Nika Zhukova and Rimma Gefen are the winners of the Jerusalem Film Festival’s Diamond Competition for Israeli Short Films in the category of Best Animated Film Department of Screen-based Arts Department of Screen-Based Arts Awards & Accolades Alumni Animation
Graduates of the Department of Screen-Based Arts to compete in the Jerusalem Film Festival competition Department of Screen-Based Arts Video Awards & Accolades Alumni
Bezalel graduates are the Apple’s Design Award winners Yuval Markovich, Alon Simon and Oren Rubin Alumni Department of Visual Communication Department of Screen-Based Arts Awards & Accolades
Bezalel Graduates are the Rappaport Prize Winners for 2024 Omri Danino, Ariel Hacohen and Naama Shohet Alumni Awards & Accolades Department of Photography Department of Fine Arts
Aviv Gafni and Alma Kini, graduates of the Department of Screen-Based Arts, have been accepted to the Stuttgart Festival in Germany Department of Screen-Based Arts Alumni Awards & Accolades
The film "Letter to a Pig" has been nominated for an Oscar Department of Screen-Based Arts Alumni Awards & Accolades Media Publications