Black Tear | Exhibition at the Bezalel Gallery of Contemporary Art | Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design, Jerusalem

Black Tear | Exhibition at the Bezalel Gallery of Contemporary Art


Bezalel Gallery of Contemporary Art invites the general public to the exhibition: Black Tear

Presenters: Romy Ben Yosef, Gilad Berger, Eti Davidov Marland, Yoel Peled

Curator: Eitan Ben-Moshe

Exhibition opening night:
Thursday | 13.2.25 | 19:00

Bezalel Gallery of Contemporary Art 
119 Hertzel st., Tel Aviv

Gallery hours:
Sunday: Closed
Mon-Thurs: 11:00-15:00
Fri-Saturday: 11:00-14:00


03-6824082  |

כתם שחור על רקע ורוד
Black Tear, Yoel Peled and Eitan Ben-Moshe