Yael Bartana Ranked Third in Monopol Magazine’s Top 100 Department of Photography Awards & Accolades Alumni Media Publications
This Year’s Dori Award Presented to Students and Graduates of the School of Architecture School of Architecture Awards & Accolades Alumni
Haaretz | Art that wags its tail: elegant dogs at the Holon community center Graduates' Exhibitions Media Publications Department of Photography Alumni
Ynet | Can a post-October 7 Israel still be considered home? A final project in the Department of Architecture raises questions about migration Graduates' Exhibitions Media Publications School of Architecture Alumni
Ynet | A project that developed from the loss of a childhood friend murdered on October 7 Graduates' Exhibitions Media Publications Department of Industrial Design Alumni
Ynet | A new way to think about the clothes we wear Graduates' Exhibitions Media Publications Department of Jewelry & Fashion Alumni
The Future of the Industry – the Department of Jewelry and Fashion Graduate Exhibition Graduates' Exhibitions Media Publications Department of Jewelry & Fashion Exhibition
The recipients of the Andy Prize 2.0 2024 have been announced Naama Eliraz, Elia Bloch and Lior Elbaz Awards & Accolades Alumni Department of Ceramics & Glass Design Department of Jewelry & Fashion
The 2024 Bezalel graduates website is live Graduates' Exhibitions Alumni Department of Fine Arts School of Architecture
Are Magazine | 300 days – the graduate who dedicated a design from her final project collection to the hostages Department of Jewelry and Fashion Department of Jewelry & Fashion Media Publications Graduates' Exhibitions Alumni
Nika Zhukova and Rimma Gefen are the winners of the Jerusalem Film Festival’s Diamond Competition for Israeli Short Films in the category of Best Animated Film Department of Screen-based Arts Department of Screen-Based Arts Awards & Accolades Alumni Animation
77% of Nominees and Finalists for the Edmund de Rothschild Award for Design – Bezalel Graduates and Faculty Awards & Accolades Department of Visual Communication Master's in Visual Communication Alumni