Yuval Naor, graduate of the Department of Photography, wins 2024 Israel Makov Most Promising Artist Award Department of Photography Photography Alumni Awards & Accolades
Maariv | Bezalel Graduates win international prize for the development of an innovative method for diagnosing skin disease in children. Department of Industrial Design Alumni Awards & Accolades Media Publications
Yan Bolotov Wins the 2024 Rywkind Ben Zour Prize The Master’s Program in Fine Arts in collaboration with the Tel Aviv Museum of Art Master's in Fine Arts Alumni Awards & Accolades
Congratulations to the recipients of the 2024 Clore-Bezalel Scholarship for the Royal College of Art in London – RCA Awards & Accolades Alumni Scholarship Department of Visual Communication
Graduates of the Department of Screen-Based Arts to compete in the Jerusalem Film Festival competition Department of Screen-Based Arts Video Awards & Accolades Alumni
Spotlight | Hed Mayner, graduate of the Department of Jewelry and Fashion Spotlight on Bezalel Graduates Department of Jewelry & Fashion Alumni Bezalel Magazine
All the winners of the Israel Museum Prize for the Illustration of a Children’s Book are graduates and lecturers of the Department of Visual Communication Department of Visual Communication Awards & Accolades Illustration Lecturers
Bezalel graduates are the winners of prestigious Red Dot Design Award Dan Karsenti, Alon Avrami, Ophir Sheriff, Noa Lev Department of Visual Communication Awards & Accolades Alumni
Bezalel graduates are the Apple’s Design Award winners Yuval Markovich, Alon Simon and Oren Rubin Alumni Department of Visual Communication Department of Screen-Based Arts Awards & Accolades
Open Call | Participation in a mugs display and sale's event Department of Ceramics and Glass Design Department of Ceramics & Glass Design Call for Applications
Bezalel Graduates are the Rappaport Prize Winners for 2024 Omri Danino, Ariel Hacohen and Naama Shohet Alumni Awards & Accolades Department of Photography Department of Fine Arts
An Open Call | Mentoring for female students from the Haredi branch on their first step into the world of employment Career Development Center Call for Applications