Bezalel Magazine | How Will We Navigate In the Future? Master's in Industrial Design Bezalel Magazine
Ynet | The Dark Side of Design Prof. Uri Bartal Media Publications Master's in Industrial Design Bezalel Magazine
Spotlight | Hed Mayner, graduate of the Department of Jewelry and Fashion Spotlight on Bezalel Graduates Department of Jewelry & Fashion Alumni Bezalel Magazine
Bezalel Journal of Visual and Material Culture | Issue 10 Bezalel Magazine Department of Visual and Material Culture
Bezalel Editorial | The yellow pins: the designer responsible for one of the most significant symbols of the struggle A conversation with Shaul Cohen, a graduate of the ‘About Design’ track in the Master's Degree Program in Industrial Design The Bezalel Editorial Master's in Industrial Design
From Lady Godiva to Beyoncé | Women, Horses and the Matter of the Renaissance Visual and Material Culture - Newsletter