Bezalel Magazine | How Will We Navigate In the Future? Master's in Industrial Design Bezalel Magazine
Ynet | The Dark Side of Design Prof. Uri Bartal Media Publications Master's in Industrial Design Bezalel Magazine
Bezalel Editorial | The yellow pins: the designer responsible for one of the most significant symbols of the struggle A conversation with Shaul Cohen, a graduate of the ‘About Design’ track in the Master's Degree Program in Industrial Design The Bezalel Editorial Master's in Industrial Design
Open Call for Positions in the Horizon Europe Project 'Engage2Innovate' Master's in Industrial Design Sustainable Development Hub Research & Innovation Authority Cross Academic
Walla! | In the Name of Art: Artificial Intelligence Has Reached Bezalel Final projects by Mor Peled and Yitzhak Vaknin Media Publications Alumni Graduates' Exhibitions Master's in Industrial Design
Graduation ceremony for the 2022 Bezalel graduates Bezalel congratulates the graduates of the 2022 undergraduate and graduate degrees on the receipt of their diplomas Alumni Events Cross Academic
Designing Future Mobility Design Sprint Masters program in Industrial design Master's in Industrial Design Guest Workshops Bezalel International
The Event Horizon | Open call for submission to an exhibition by the Master's Degree Program in Industrial Design, as part of the 2023 Eretz Israel Museum Arts and Design Biennale Master's in Industrial Design Call for Applications
Eleven Candidates on the shortlist of the Edmond de Rothschild Design Award are Bezalel graduates and lecturers Department of Industrial Design Master's in Industrial Design Awards & Accolades
Graduates Exhibition | Master’s Program in Industrial Design (M.Des.) 2024 Graduates' Exhibitions Master's in Industrial Design Exhibition Alumni Design Management About Design Design & Technology