Department of Screen-based Arts
המחלקה לאמנויות המסך
قسم فنون الشاشة
Awards and Prizes Won by Students and Graduates
Final Films and Third-Year Student Films
First place in the Competition for Student Films
"Moon Blood" by Katya Korzinov, student film competition at the Festival Internacional de Escuelas de Cine in Uruguay, August 2022
Second Place in the Competition for Student Films
"Sky’s About to Rain" by Tal Darmon and Orian Melamed, Asif Competition as part of the Animix Festival, Tel Aviv, Israel, August 2022
Honorable Mention
"The Time Machine", by Omri Morin, Pitching Docaviv 2022
Second prize for best short film, and the Green Future Prize
"A Letter to a Pig" by the lecturer Tal Cantor, Future Film Festival, Italy, October 2022
"Best Based on His/Her Story"
"Holy Holocaust" by lecturers Osi Wald and Noa Berman-Herzberg, Rising of Lusitania - AnimaDoc Film Festival, Poland, September 2022
Fantastic Futures Short Film Award
"A Letter to a Pig" by lecturer Tal Kantor, SLASH Film Festival, Austria, September 2022
Best Narrative Short Film
"A Letter to a Pig" by the lecturer Tal Kantor, Ottawa Festival, Canada, September 2022
Short Feature Film Award
"A Letter to a Pig" by the lecturer Tal Kantor, Ophir Awards 2022
Hearts, Minds, Souls Award - Grand Prize
"Holy Holocaust" by lecturers Osi Wald and Noa Berman-Herzberg, Flickers Rhode Island Int. Film Festival, August 2022
Gross Award for Excellence in Animation
Lecturer Osi Wald, Asif Competition as part of the Animix Festival, Tel Aviv, Israel, August 2022
Directing Award in the Category of Independent Films
"A Letter to a Pig" by the lecturer Tal Kantor, Asif Competition, as part of the Animix festival, Tel Aviv, Israel, August 2022
Award for the Best Animated Film
"A Letter to a Pig" by the lecturer Tal Kantor, Toko FilmFest, Italy, August 2022
The Audience Award
"A Letter to a Pig" by the lecturer Tal Kantor, Countryside Animafest Cyprus, Cyprus, August 2022
Award for the Best Animated Short Film
"A Letter to a Pig" by the lecturer Tal Kantor, Diamond Competition for Israeli Short Films at the Jerusalem Film Festival, July 2022
Best Film Award
"A Letter to a Pig" by the lecturer Tal Kantor, the International Competition at the Anibar festival, Kosovo, July 2022
Zlatko Grgić Award (award for the first film made after completion of studies)
"A Letter to a Pig" by the lecturer Tal Kantor, Animafest Zagreb, June 2022
Best Film Award
"Summer Nights" by lecturer Ohad Milstein, the documentary film competition at the Jewish Film Festival Berlin and Brandenburg (JFBB) 2022 in Germany, June 2022
Final Films and Third-Year Student Films
Best Student Film in the Best Original Soundtrack Award "Filled Vacuum" by Yotam Giustizia, HIFF festival in St. Petersburg, November 2021
First place in student competition, "The Deceased" by Avishai Simchovitch and Keren Or Zelingher, 2nd place " How to Survive the Heatwave and Stay Human" by Ronni Shalev and Alon Sharabi, Special Mention " From Troy with Love" by Yotam Galpaz, Asif Israeli competition, Animix Festival, Tel-Aviv, August 2021
Special Mention "Only with You" by Raz Merhav, StopTrik in Slovenia, October 2021
First place in the short film competition, "Everyone is So Quiet All of a Sudden" by Rotem Shapira; second place, "Three Things That Were Lost" by Naama Shohat, 12th EPOS International Art Film Festival, May 2021
Best Animated Film "Tamo" by Tom Pazman and Tzur Adri, Amor es Amor Festival, Córdoba, Argentina, February 2021
Jury Prize for Experimental Films "Homeward" by Shirley Neeman, Vegas Festival, USA, February 2021
Commendation for Artistic Innovation "This Shit Just Keeps Growing" by Erech Luzon and Michael Negari, Utopia Festival, Tel Aviv, Israel, February 2021
Best Documentary Film Award “Advocate", by Philippe Bellaiche (directed and produced with Rachel Leah Jones), Emmy Awards, 2021
Award for Excellence "A Letter to a Pig" by Tal Kantor*, the Japan Media Arts Festival, March 2021
The Artistic Design Award "Legend of Destruction", art design by Michael Faust* and David Polonsky, Ophir Awards, September 2021
Award for Best Film (up to 60 minutes), Cinematography Award, and Soundtrack Design Award (Shahaf Vegshel) "Summer Nights" by Ohad Milstein, the Israeli Documentary Filmmakers Forum, 2021
Short Documentary Film Award "Summer Nights" by Ohad Milstein, Ophir Awards, 2021
Best Animated Short Film Award "Holy Holocaust" by: Mertzots Ossie Wald and Noa Berman-Herzberg, Jerusalem Film Festival, September 2021
Best Short Film Award "Holy Holocaust" by lecturers Osi Wald* and Noa Berman-Herzberg, Jewish Film Festival in Jerusalem, November 2021
First Prize for Experimental Short Films "The Builder", by: Kobi Vogman*, Montreal Independent Film Festival, August 2021
Second Place
"TAMU" by Tom Pezman & Tzor Edry, Boston Jewish Film Festival, USA, November, 2020
Best Animation Award
"Tweenless" by Ronalee Israel & Sapir Danan, Athens Animfest, Greece, November 2020
Jury Distinction Award in the student competition
"TAMU" by Tom Pezman & Tzor Edry, TIAF, Taiwan, November 2020
First Place in pitching student competition
"This is Only Getting Worse" by Eran Luzon & Michael Negari, Haifa int film festival, October 2020
"One Two Home" by Gili Shani, Tagore International Film Festival (TIFF), Bengal, October 2020
Special mention
"TAMU" by Tom Prezman & Tzor Edery, Animasyros, Greece, September 2020
Editing award & a special mention
"Fata Morgana" by Leanna Berkovitch & Daniella Bokor
special mention "TAMU" Tom Prezman & Tzor Edery, "St. Moritz" by Joseph Balaclav, Raz Sonnenfeld, Tel-Aviv Student film festival, September 2020
Third place at the student competition
"Bleeding" by Moaad Gader, Doc Aviv Festival, September 2020
"The Last Fishermen in the Sea of Galilee" by Nachshon Taishi Tanaka, Doc Aviv Festival, September 2020
Sound editing budget from “Jungle Sound Studio”
“My Fathe’sr lost Aramiac” Jonathan Maoz Doc Aviv Festival, September 2020
2020 Best of stars of students
"Homesick" by Yoav Aluf, Noy Bar, Hila Einy, Hiroshima Animation Festival, September
First place in pitch at Keren Makor Film Fund – Production grant
"Moris's Bar" by Tom Prezman & Tzor Edery "Your Bad Animals" by Ido Shapira & Amit Cohen, Tel Aviv, July 2020
Best Documentary film
"Fata Morgana" by Leanna Berkovitch & Daniella Bokor, Moscow Shorts festival, August 2020
First place in student competition
"tree generation" by roni shalev, alon sharabi, hod adler, Asif- , Animix Festival, Tel-Aviv, August 2020
Gross Award
Eran Hilleli, Animix Festival, Tel-Aviv, August 2020
Apple design awards for the App
"LOOM" by Eran Hilleli, June 2020 Read More
Best Children Short Film
"Cinema REX" By Mayan Engelman, Annecy Festival, France, June 2020
Best Experimental film
"Joints" by Osi Wald, Moran Somer & Ricardo Werdesheim, Oxford Film Festival, England, June 2020
Young Video Artist Award from ministry of culture for 2019
Karam Natour, May 2020
Jury award for best animated film
"Fata Morgana" by Leanna Berkovitch & Daniella Bokor, USA, May 2020
The Co-Pro 22 Student Lab
Neta Moses “ I (am) Like You”, May 2020
Best Animation Award
"Tweenless" by Ronalee Israel & Sapir Danan, SHORT TO THE POINT Festival, Romania, May 2020
Award in the Moti Kirshenbaum Travels Film Competition
"Fata Morgana" by Daniella Bokor and Leanna Berkovitch, Kinneret Festival for Nature and Travel Films, February 2020
Best Animation Award
"Tweenless" by Ronalee Israel & Sapir Danan, , Moscow Shorts festival, Animation studio festival, Russia, USA January 2020
Artistic Design Award of the Documentary Creators Forum
"No Lions in Tel Aviv" by the graduate Dotan Goldwasser, Tel Aviv, November 2019
First place in student competition
"Tamu" by Tom Prezman & Tzor Edery, Animasivo festival, México, November 2019
First place in student competition
"Homesick" by Noy Bar, Yoav Aluf, Hila Einy, Chaniartoon festival, Greece, October 2019 More Information on the Festival Site
Best animation film
"Hounds" by Ido Shapira and Amit Cohen, ENE International film festival, Neburgh, NY, USA, October 2019
Prize for the risk and the originality
"Alef betamuz" by Yael Raisfeld, PIAFF, Paris, France, September 2019
Honorable mention and best sound
"Hounds", by Ido Shapira and Amit Cohen, Florida animation festival, USA, August 2019 View Results View awards
First place student competition
"Tamu" by Tom Prezman & Tzor Edery
second place " The Shadow of the Sun" by Ido Hartmann
Asif festival – Animix, Tel Aviv, Israel, August 2019
"Alef betamuz" by Yael Raisfeld, Michigan Comic Convention, USA, August 2019
First place
"Homesick" by Noy Bar, Yoav Aluf, Hila Einy, Zebra he animation friendly festival, Slovenia, August 2019
Best Experimental Film Award
"Dreams of elsewhere" by Naama Shohat
Award for the best animated film "Bear with Me" by Daphna Awadish,
A short film production grant from Gesher film fund "2:51", by Moria Koren, Jerusalem Film Festival, July 2019
Best animation film award and special mention from film critic forum
"A'lef Betamuz" byYael Risfeld, Tel Aviv International Student Film Festival, Tel Aviv, Israel, June 2019
3rd place in copro cmpus
"Abductions for marriage" By Nestor Cheishvilli, Israel June 2019
First place in Gesher Foundation and YES Doco for best film
"Abductions for marriage by Nestor Tsiyishvili
3rd place and a grant "The Last Fisherman in the Sea of Galilee", by Taishi Tanaka, Doc-Aviv Festival, May 2019
Winner of Liones scholarship fund
"Dreams of elsewhere" by Naama Shohet, Toronto Jewish Festival, May 2019
"Bear with me" by Daphna Awadish, Stuttgart animation festival, Germany, May 2019
3rd Award in Student Competition
“Hounds” by Ido Shapira & Amit Cohen, Athens Animfest, March 2019
First place
"HOMESICK" by Noy Bar, Yoav Aluf, Hila Einy, vision feast, New Zealand, March 2019
Best Animation Award
"ALEF B’TAMUZ" by Yael Reisfeld, DCIFF, Washington, March 2019
Read More
Winner award at the Sir Jack Lyons competition of the Jerusalem Foundation
"Dreams of Elsewhere" by Naama Shohat, Israel January 2019
special mention
"HOMESICK" by Noy Bar, Yoav Aluf, Hila Einy, Animasivo festival, Mexico, December 2018
Special Mention
"a love letter to the one I made up" by Rachel Gutgarts, Sommets du Cinéma d'Animation, Montreal, Canada, November 2018
Best Animation short film
"Hounds" by Amit Cohen & Ido Shapira, Lucid Dream Fantastic Film Festival, Toscana , Italy October 2018
The best storytelling award
"Homesick" by Hila Einy, Noy Bar & Yoav Aloof, Thessaloniki Animation Festival, Greece, October 2018
Best animation film
"IM NOT A ROBOT" by Lina Tsivian, STIFF - Student international film festival, Croatia, October 2018 Festival Site
"a love letter to the one i made up" by Rachel Gutgarts, StopTrik International Film Festival, Slovenia, October 2018
1st place in sort documantry competition
“malka malka” by Maya Yavin
special mention "dreams of anothe place" Naama Shohet, Haifa international film festival, Haifa, Israel, September 2018
Originality award
"a love letter to the one i made up" by Rachel Gutgarts, Paris International Animation Film Festival, France, September 2018
Best animation award
"A Night Without" by Itamar Isaak, Beliff film festival, London, England, August 2018
First place in student competition
"Just Passing With Dr. Zussman", by Yannay Matarasso & Anat Efrati
Second place student film "Hounds" by Ido Shapira & Amit Cohen, Asif- Animix Int Festival, Tel Aviv, August 2018
first place for Animation film
"In Other Words" by Tal Kantor - PURE film festival, St. Petersburg, Russia, August 2018
The Ministry of Aliyah Yuri Stern Prize for Immigrant Artist
"Together and Alive" by Iara Schteimberg, Israel, july 2018
Ostrowski award for experimental film
"Boxes" by Naama shohet, Jerusalem international film festival, July 2018
Best visual design award
"The Bear" by Doreen Schwartzman
Best Animation film award “A Love Letter To The One I Made Up” by Rachel Gutgarts
Special Mention "The Men Behind the Wall" By Inés Moldavsky, Tel Aviv International Student Film Festival, Tel Aviv, Israel, June 2018
Vimeo Staff Pick Award
“A Love Letter To The One I Made Up” by Rachel Gutgarts, Animafest Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia, June 2018
Prix Nouveau Talent animation award
Mor Israeli by the SACD, Paris, France, June 2018
3rd place in student competition
“A Train to the Horizon” by Sharon Shahanny - Docaviv Festival, Tel-Aviv, Israel, May 2018
1st place
“Close The Shutters” by Ynon Lan
2nd place - “The Autopsy of Sven Svensson” Hadas Cohen & Shir Pakman - Epos the international art film festival, Tel Aviv, Israel, March 2018
3-month scholarship to live and work at quartier21/MQ under the Artist in Residence Program
“A Love Letter To The One I Made Up” by Rachel Gutgarts - Tricky women festival, Vienna, Austria, March 2018 Read More Facebook Event
The Golden Bear for Best Short Film
"The Men Behind the Wall" by Ines Moldavsky, Berlinale - 68th Berlin International Film Festival, Berlin, Germany, February 2018
Winner award at the Sir Jack Lyons competition of the jerusalem foundation
"Parallels" by Boris Haimov, Israel January 2018
First Place in the Israeli short film competition
"The Bear" by Doreen Shwartzman, Jerusalem Jewish Film Festival, Jerusalem, Israel, December 2017
Special Golden Jabberwocky and 2000 PLN for best student animated short movie
Honorable Mention & Diploma "My Memorial Day" by Daniella Meroz, Etiuda&Anima, Krakow, Poland, November2017
First place in student competition
Second place student film, "The Autopsy of Sven Svensson" by Hadas Coen & Shir Pakman, Asif- Animix Int Festival, Tel Aviv, August 2017
Award for experimental film
"Close the Shutters" by Ynon Lan
Special Jury Mention "Flying Putzi" By Ido Behar, FESA Festival of European Student Animation, Belgrade, Serbia, August 2017
Winner first place for best animation short in competition
“Hadarim” by Shlomi Yosef - Jerusalem Film Festival, Israel, July 2017
Winner Alex Bernstein grant for production in support of Gesher film fund 40,000 nis
"Malka, Malka" by Maya Yavin
Second place "I'm Not A Robot" by Lina Tsivian 25,000 nis, Israel, July 2017
Special Mention
"My Memorial Day" By Daniella Meroz, Tel Aviv International Student Film Festival, Tel Aviv, Israel, June 2017
Award for the Best Narrative Short film
"In Other Words" by Tal Kantor, Moscow Jewish Film Festival, Moscow, Russia, June 2017
Post production grant of 18,000 NIS by COPRO
"A Train to the Horizon" by Sharon Shahanny, Israel, June 2017
Shnaider scholarship for graduation film 1,000 NIS
to "A Train to the Horizon" by Sharon Shahanny, Israel, June 2017
Docu Village grant of 12,000 NIS
"A Train to the Horizon" by Sharon Shahanny, Israel, June 2017
Winner development grant in support of Rabinovich film fund and channel 8
"A Train to the Horizon" by Sharon Shahanny, Cinema South Festival, Israel, June 2017
Winner Gesher film fund grant of 9,000 NIS
"Three Documentary films" by Eddie Shwarts, Doc-Aviv pitching competition, Israel, June 2017
Docu Village grant of 9,000 NIS
"War Marks" by Meshy Koplevitch, Israel, June 2017
Winner Ciclic grant for short animation film production
"Letter to a Pig" by Tal Kantor, Annecy International Animation Festival, France, June 2017
Winner The Best Cinematography
"The Viewer" by Oren Levi, Comic Con, Indiana, USA, April 2017
Winner of the short film international competition
"In Other Words" by Tal Kantor, Miami Jewish Film Festival, USA, January 2017
The Polish Students Award
"HADARIM" by shlomi Yosef, StopTrick Animation festival, International Borderlands Competition, Poland, November 2016 More info
Framestore Award for the best film in the International Student Competition
"In Other Words" by Tal Kantor, Sommets du cinéma d'animationMontreal, Canada, November 2016
Special mention
"In Other Words" by Tal Kantor, VGIK International Student Festival, Moscow, Russia, November 2016
Best international animation
“Above and below” by Oved Poran & Liron Narunski
Diploma for the vivid imagery “Untangled routine” by Orit Oged, International Student Film Festival Peterkit, St.Petersburg , October 2016
1st place in animation competition
“I'm Billy” by Moshe Gilboa, Haifa international film festival, Haifa, Israel, October 2016
Best animation short
"Head" by Stav Levi, European Short Film Festival, Berlin, October 2016
SenEDIT Best Story Award
"In Other Words" by Tal Kantor, Contact International Student Film Festival, Izmir, Turky, October 2016
Special Mention
"Mirrors" by Yali Herbet & Lee Dror, "Alaska" by Or Drori & Yarin Kaplan, STIFF - Student international film festival, Croatia, October 2016
Special Mention
"In Other Words" by Tal Kantor, Films Femmes Méditerranée,Marseille, France, September 2016
Special Mention
"In Other Words" by Tal Kantor, Animasyros International Animation Festival, Greece, September 2016
Best animation
"Head" by Stav Levi, Defy Film Festival, USA, August 2016
First place student film
"Flying Putzi" by Ido Behar
Second place student film, "In Other Words" by Tal Kantor, Asif- Animix Int Festival, Tel Aviv, August 2016
Original Design prize
"Scapegoat" by Gal Haklay & Shulamit Tager, Animation Block Party festival, USA July 2106
Best International short animation
"Warm snow" by Ira Elshansky, big river film festival, USA, July 2016
1st place in animation competition
“HEAD” by Stav Levi - Jerusalem Film Festival, Israel, July 2016
2nd place in student competition
"In Other Words" by Tal Kantor - Beit Alliance cinema award competition, Jerusalem, July 2016
Best Animation
“Mirrors” by Lee Dror & Yali Herbet - Student Cuts film festival, Maribor, Slovenia, June 2016
Israeli Film Critics Association Prize
“In other words” by Tal Kantor - Tel-Aviv student film festival, Tel-Aviv university, Israel, June 2016
Grand Jury Award, Best Animation, Audience award
“Journey Birds” by Daphna Awadish - Mobile Motion Film Festival, Zurich, Switzerland, May 2016
1st place in students shorts award
“Gezoindelach” by Efrat Berger - ETHNOCINECA International Documentary Film Festival, Vienna, Austria, May 2016
Special mention in Next generation competition
“In other words” by Tal Kantor - Brussels Short Film Festival, Belgium, May 2016
2nd place in student competition
“In other words” by Tal Kantor - Animfest, Athens, Greece, April 2016
Lapp Connected Award
“Head On” by Lior Ben Horin - International animation festival Stuttgart, Germany, April 2016
1st place
“In other words” by Tal Kantor - Animatic competition - Animazion, Jerusalem, March 2016
2nd place
“Within thy walls” by Omer Sharon & Daniella Shnitzer, 3rd place - “In other words” by Tal Kantor - Epos the international art film festival, Tel Aviv, Israel, March 2016
Honorable Mention World Cultures Student competition
“Journey Birds” by Daphna Awadish - Anim!Arte, Curitiba, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, December 2015
3rd place - Animation category
“Luma” by Carmel Ben Ami & Sohini Tal - CILECT awards, Munich, Germany, November 2015
Best Film School Award
Department of Screen based Arts, Bezalel Academy of Arts & Design - European Animated Film Festival Balkanima, Belgrade, Serbia, October 2015
Special Jury Award in Short Film Category
“Luma” by Carmel Ben Ami & Sohini Tal - CICDAF, Changzhou, China, September 2015
1st place in animation competition
“Warm Snow” by Ira Elshansky - Jerusalem Film Festival, Israel, July 2015
Best Animation School Award
Department of Screen based Arts, Bezalel Academy of Arts & Design - Animafest, Zagreb, Croatia, June 2015
1st place
“Warm Snow” by Ira Elshansky - Viewster Online Filmfest, March 2015
Special mention in student competition, Best international film, Junior jury
“This is how it starts” by Shahaf Ram - Monstra, Lisbon, Portugal, March 2015
Best student film
“Warm Snow” by Ira Elshansky - Open Russian Festival of Animated Film, Suzdal, Russia, March 2015
Best animation short film
“Load” by Robert Moreno & Niv Shpigel - Santa Barbara International Film Festival, U.S.A., February 2015
2nd place in animation competition
“Warm Snow” by Ira Elshansky - Kino metri, Novosibirsk, Russia, December 2014
Best animation film
“A way of being” by Kobi Vogman - VGIK International Student Festival, Moscow, Russia, November 2014
1st place in animation competition
“Luma” by Carmel Ben Ami & Sohini Tal
Honorable mention - “A way of being” by Kobi Vogman - Haifa international film festival, Israel, October 2014
The Aliza Shagrir Prize for documentary films
"Zoroni" by Rana Abu Fraiha, October 2014
Best Israeli short
“Load” by Robert Moreno & Niv Shpigel - Utopiafest, Tel-Aviv cinematheque, Israel, September 2014
Best Student short
“Anna O” by Rotem Yarakchi - Indian Cine Film Festival, Mumbai, India, September 2014
Fine work award
“Reflections” by Bosmat Agayoff & Alon Ziv - Shinjuku Creators Festa, Tokyo, Japan, August 2014
1st place in best experimental film category
“Load” by Robert Moreno & Niv Shpigel - Rhode Island International Film Festival, USA, August 2014
1st place in student competition
“this is how it starts” by Shahaf Ram
Honorable mention in student competition - “Eli” by Reut Elad & Sagi Alter
Honorable mention in student competition - “Luma” by Carmel Ben Ami & Sohini Tal
Audience Award in student competition - “Warm Snow” by Ira Elshansky, Animix festival, Tel-Aviv cinematheque, Israel, August 2014
Honorable mention
“Lady No. 4” by Tal Hadar - Tel-Aviv student film festival, Israeli competition, Tel-Aviv university, Israel, June 2014
3rd place in student competition
“Mountain Men” by Dan Bronfeld
1st place in the student pitching competition - "Peot" by Efrat Berger, Docaviv Festival, Tel Aviv, May 2014
Winner of the Jerusalem Foundation Scholarship for outstanding students
"Hakala Baderech" by Ada Rimon - The film will be screened at the Israeli film festival section of Festival Séfarad, Montreal, Canda, May 2014
Clore Foundation Scholarship for MA studies at the RCA, London
Gili Lavy
Special Mention
“Floats” by Idan Barzilay & Mor Israeli - International animation festival Stuttgart, Germany, April 2014
Best graduation film
“Dreams & Tears” by Yuval Barbash - Cortoons festival, Rome, Italy, March 2014
Honorable mention
“Underneath the Refuge” by Noa Evron - Monstra Festival, Lisbon, Portugal, March 2014
2nd place in student competition
“Reflections” by Bosmat Agayoff & Alon Ziv
Distinction in student competition - “Strange Fruit” by Shimi Asresay & Hili Noy
Music award - “Tzadik” by Oriel Berkovits - Animfest, Athens, Greece, March 2014
3-month scholarship to live and work at quartier21/MQ under the Artist in Residence Program
“Underneath the Refuge” by Noa Evron - Tricky women festival, Vienna, Austria, March 2014
Dioraphte award in the student competition
“White Soldier” by Danielle Zini - The Nederlands Film Festival, Utrecht, Netherlands, October 2013
Audience Award
“Reflections” by Bosmat Agayoff & Alon Ziv - ISFVF international students film and video festival, Beijing film academy, China, October 2013
Best Score & Best Director
“Happily Ever After” by Yonni Aroussi & Ben Genislaw - Filmstock Utah, Salt Lake City, U.S.A., October 2013
Best short film international competition award
“Happily Ever After” by Yonni Aroussi & Ben Genislaw - Shnit Film Festival, Bern, Switzerland, October 2013
Best Film School Award
Department of Screen based Arts, Bezalel Academy of Arts & Design - European Animated Film Festival Balkanima, Belgrade, Serbia, October 2013
Honorable mention
“Cafe Babel” by Michal Rabinovitch & Dafna Ben Ami - Haifa international film festival, Haifa, Israel, September 2013
Highest award
“Happily Ever After” by Yonni Aroussi & Ben Genislaw
Fine work award & Production IG award - “Altneuland” by Sariel Keslasi - Shinjuku Creators Festa , Tokyo, Japan, September 2013
Audience Award
“Happily Ever After” by Yonni Aroussi & Ben Genislaw - Hamburg Animation Award, Hamburg, Germany, August 2013
Honorable mention
“Cafe Babel” by Michal Rabinovitch & Dafna Ben Ami, “Reflections” by Bosmat Agayoff & Alon Ziv - ASIFA Israel competition, Tel-Aviv Cinematheuqe, Israel, August 2013
2nd place in shorts competition
“Entropy” by Avi Odenheimer - SiciliAmbiente Festival, San Vito lo Capo, Italy, July 2013
Best student film
“Altneuland” by Sariel Keslasi - Anifest, Teplice, Czech republic, May 2013
Best animated film
“Fluorescent” by Eyal Oren and Tim Razumovsky - Sehsuechte student film festival, Potsdam-Babelsbrg, Germany, April 2013
1st place 2D Award
“God is kidding” by Boaz Balachsan and Dima Tretyakov - Bitfilm Festival, Hamburg, Germany and Bangalore, India, April 2013
Special jury mention
“Out of nowhere” by Isac Mayo and Maayan Tzuriel - Tricky Women Festival, Vienna, Austria, March 2013
Best animated short
“Happily Ever After” by Yonni Aroussi & Ben Genislaw - Studio City Film Festival, Los Angeles, USA, February 2013
Golden Eagle Award, Student Documentary
"Treasure hunt" by Nadan Pines - CINE, Maryland, USA, Fall 2012
3rd place - International panorama
“Out of nowhere” by Isac Mayo and Maayan Tzuriel - Night monkeys Festival, Santiago, Chile, November 2012
overall winner
“Deathbed: the musical” by Liat Har-Gill - Tony Blair Faith Foundation Shorts, London, UK, November 2012
Best animated short picture
“Howl” by Natalie Bettelheim and Sharon Michaeli
Best animated short picture - “Beat” by Or Bar-El - Cyber Sousa Xiamen International Animation Festival, Xiamen, China, November 2012
3rd place - Animation category
“Howl” by Natalie Bettelheim and Sharon Michaeli - CILECT awards, Sofia, Bulgaria, November 2012
Special mention
“Howl” by Natalie Bettelheim and Sharon Michaeli - Fresh film fest, Prague, Czech republic, September 2012
Special Prize
“Howl” by Natalie Bettelheim and Sharon Michaeli - Hiroshima animation festival, Hiroshima, Japan, August 2012
1st place in student competition
“Out of Nowhere” by Maayan Tzuriel and Isca Mayo
2nd place in student competition - “Altneuland” by Sariel Keslasi - ASIFA Israel competition, Tel-Aviv Cinematheuqe, Israel, August 2012
Best of show
“Blue Whale” by Sivan Kidron, 3X3 Magazine, Illustration Student Show, USA, June 2012
1st place prize and cinema prize
“Keep Pace” by Isca Mayo and Maayan Tzuriel - Choreographic Captures (part of Filmfest München), Munich, Germany, June 2012
Best animation in the Israeli competition
"Beat" by Or Bar-El - Tel-Aviv student film festival, Tel-Aviv university, Israel, June 2012
Jury prize for student film
"Man and Beast" by Yishay Shemesh - Gelilee's short film festival, Kiryat Shmona, Israel, May 2012
2nd place in student competition
"Treasure hunt" by Nadan Pines - Docaviv , Tel-Aviv, Israel, May 2012
Best Student Film
"Way out" by Lily Sheikhat - Be There!, Corfu, Greece, April 2012
2nd place in animation category
"Between bears" by Eran Hilleli - CILECT awards, Prague, Czech republic, December 2011
YOO Kwang Sun Prize
"Ishihara" by Yoav Brill - PISAF, Bucheon, South Korea, November 2011
Best student game
"Project Lucid" by Shaul Hamawi, Masha Baitman and Alon Tzarafi - GameIS Awards, Tel-Aviv cinematheque, Israel, October 2011
Special mention
"Howl" by Natalie Bettelheim and Sharon Michaeli - Haifa international film festival, Haifa, Israel, October 2011
Honorable mention
"Ishihara" by Yoav Brill, for its interesting use of abstract shapes to express themes of isolation - Anim'est, Bucharest, Romania, October 2011
Best school showreel
Bezalel academy of arts and design, department of screen based arts - Ottawa international animation festival, Ottawa, Canada, September 2011
Best student film
"Howl" by Natalie Bettelheim and Sharon Michaeli
Special mention - "Loof" by Daniel Sasson and Dudi Rubin - Animix, Tel-Aviv cinematheque, Israel, August 2011
Best student film
"Written in pencil" by Yaron Bar - Wimbledon shorts, Wimbledon, UK, June 2011
Animated film - 3rd place
"written in pencil" by Yaron Bar
Animated film - Best editing - "Written in pencil" by Yaron Bar
Animated film - Honorable mention - "Between bears" by Eran Hilleli - LA new wave film festival, Los Angeles, U.S.A, May 2011
"Mimosa d'Or" for the best short film
"The good knight story" directed by Shoham Blau, Or Kantor and Amos Naim - Nice Israeli film festival, Nice, France, March 2011
Student jury award
"Miracle lady" by Michal Abulafia and Moran Somer - Animfest, Athens, Greece, March 2011
Honorable mention
"Written in pencil" by Yaron Bar - Queens world film festival, New York city, U.S.A, March 2011
For the funniest interpretation of the nationalistic idea
"Moon seek" by Dafna Cohen and Elad Dabush - Kinoproba, Ekaterinburg, Russia, October 2010
Grand prize
"Miracle lady" by Michal Abulafia and Moran Somer - PISAF, Bucheon, South Korea, November 2010
1st place in Animation category
"Miracle Lady" by Michal Abulafia and Moran Somer - CILECT awards, Barcelona, Spain, November 2010
Audience choice, third prize
"Moon seek" by Dafna Cohen and Elad Dabush - Lucca comics and games, Lucca, Italy, November 2010
Best animation
"written in pencil" by Yaron Bar - The Swedenborg short film festival, London, UK, October 2010
Best screenplay
"Miracle lady" by Michal Abulafia and Moran Somer - Aniwow!, Beijing, China, October 2010
1st place in Green shot competition
"Kill the armadill" by Rotem Aharon and Yaniv Ben-Dor - Ecocinema, Israel, October 2010
Best animation
"Between bears" by Eran Hilleli - Vimeo awards, October 2010
Best short animation
"Ishihara" by Yoav Brill
Short animation - 2nd place - "Third person" by Liron Hadad and Rotem Aharon
Short film - 2nd place - "One movie for the two of us" by Igor Beregovsky and Genrietta Patik-Beregovsky - Haifa international film festival, Haifa, Israel, September 2010
Best Story Award
"Miracle Lady" by Michal Abulafia and Moran Somer - Stop motion magazine film festival, Echo park film center, Los Angeles, U.S.A, August 2010
Special Jury Award in Short Film Category
"Hardcover and paperback" by Uri Alonim and Moshe Servatka - CICDAF, Changzhou, China, August 2010
Best student film
"In a clear mind" by Ofra Kobliner and Eli Ben David - Animation Caricature and Comics festival, Tel-Aviv cinematheque, Israel, August 2010
Best animation short
"Miracle lady" by Michal Abulafia and Moran Somer - Jerusalem film festival, Jerusalem cinematheuqe, Israel, July 2010
International student competition - Best animation
"Miracle lady" by Michal Abulafia and Moran Somer - Shanghai international film festival, Shanghai, China, June 2010
Best animation short film, international competition
"True love hotel" – by Alon Gaash
Best animation short film Israeli competition - "Tiberians' dreams" – by Michal Carasso and Dana Manor Cohen - Tel-Aviv student film festival, Tel-Aviv university, Israel, June 2010
Award for new film makers
"443" by Erez Miller - Cinema south international film festival, Sderot Cinematheque, Israel, June 2010
Bronze Warsaw Phoenix for short film
"Miracle Lady" by Michal Abulafia and Moran Somer - Jewish motifs, Warsaw, Poland, April 2010
Outstanding Asian student film
"Half baked" by Nadan Pines - International students film & video festival, Beijing film academy, Beijing, China, November 2009
PISAF choice prize
"True love hotel" by Alon Gaash - PISAF, Bucheon, South Korea, November 2009
Jury special mention - International student competition
"Hardcover & Paperback" by Uri Alonim and Moshe Servatka - Chitrakatha, Ahmadabad, India, October 2009
Nominee for Best art design
"Hardcover & Paperback" by Uri Alonim and Moshe Servatka - Aniwow!, Beijing, China, October 2009
Special mention - Students competition
"Tess has a stain on her dress" by Eran Flax – a victory of humanity that makes physiology ridiculous - Balkanima, Belgrade, Serbia, October 2009
Best animation short
"Miracle lady" by Michal Abulafia and Moran Somer - Haifa interntional film festival, Haifa, Israel, October 2009
Best student animation
"Tiberians' dreams" by Dana Manor Cohen and Michal Carasso
Special mention on cinematic quality - "Miracle lady" by Michal Abulafia and Moran Somer - ASIFA Israel competition/collection, Tel-Aviv cinematheuqe, Israel, August 2009
Audience choice award
"Elephant" by Nadav Arbel - Jerusalem film festival, Jerusalem cinematheuqe, Israel, July 2009
2nd place in independent animation under 6 minutes
"Hardcover & Paperback" by Uri Alonim and Moshe Servatka - KAFI, Kalamazoo, USA, May 2009
Don Quixote award
"Live life" by Jonathan Paternak - Etiuda & anima, Cracow, Poland, November 2008
Quality seal in the category - Digital video and animations
"Gary & Mildred" by Rivka Press - Europrix multimedia awards, Graz, Austria, November 2008
Best animated painting
"Beton" by Ariel Belinco and Michael Faust - Banja luka animation festival, Banja luka, Serbia, October 2008
Best direction
"Beton" by Ariel Belinco and Michael Faust
The best film school - BEZALEL ACADEMY FOR ART AND DESIGN - Balkanima, Belgrade, Serbia, October 2008
Best Direction and animation
"True love hotel" by Alon Gaash
Special mention – "Wild nature" by Arik Ben-Ari, Oren Rubin and Avichai Yeyni - ASIFA Israel competition, Tel-Aviv Cinematheuqe, Israel, August 2008
Special prize
"Beton" by Ariel Belinco and Michael Faust - For the surprising quality of design, timing and expression in the film made by these young artists - Hiroshima, Hiroshima, Japan, August 2008
Audience award sponsored by JOJ TV
"Super Grupper" by Jonathan Grupper, Andrey Smirnow and Itay Cohen - Festanca, Zilina, Slovakia, August 2008
Classic animation – Jury award
"Illuminations" by Itai Froumin
Computer animation – Jury award – "Beton" by Ariel Belinco and Michael Faust, "Steps" – By Eran Lazar - Zlin dog – international student film festival, Zlin, Czech republic, June 2008
Special mention
"Beton" by Ariel Belinco and Michael Faust 'For the artist's engagement clearly executed, beautifully designed and animated. The film has a strong voice.' - Animafest, Zagreb, Croatia, June 2008
Best animation film, international competition
"Beton" – by Ariel Belinco and Michael Faust
Best animation film Israeli competition - "Live life" – by Jonathan Pasternak - International Student Film Festival, Tel-Aviv university, Israel, June 2008
3rd place - Green shot competition
"Capricorn" by Alon Gaash - Ecocinema, Jerusalem cinematheque, Israel, May 2008
Best debut
"Beton" by Ariel Belinco and Michael Faust, Debut category – for harmony between music and image – "Illuminations" by Itai Froumin - Bimini, Batumi, Georgia, April 2008
2nd place students competition
"Grandma and Kfir" by Adi Mizrahi - DocAviv, Tel-Aviv cinematheque, Israel, April 2008
Best experimental animation
"Illuminations" by Itai Froumin - Aniboom competition, February 2008
Best student animation
"Golem" by Alon Boroda and Ron Nadel - Multivision, San Petersburg, Russia, December 2007
Best Jewish film
"Smile" by Noam Abta and Yuval Markovich - Victoria Independent Film Festival, Victoria, Australia, November 2007
Exceptional animation
"Live life" by Jonathan Pasternak - Beaujolais Festival for young art, “The Lab” Jerusalem, Israel, November 2007
Memorial prize
“Beton” by Ariel Belinco and Michael Faust - PISAF, Bucheon, South Korea, November 2007
The Eli Gelfand Short Animation Film Award
“Beton” by Ariel Belinco and Michael Faust - Haifa international film festival, Haifa, Israel, October 2007
Special mention
“Beton” by Ariel Belinco and Michael Faust - Animadrid, Madrid, Spain, October 2007
Best directing, animation category
"Beton" by Ariel Belinco and Michael Faust - Aniwow, Beijing, people’s republic of China, September 2007
Best animation school show reel
Bezalel academy of art and design, animation unit - Ottawa International Animation Festival, Ottawa, Canada, September 2007
Best film
"Pause" by Osi Wald
Director promotion award – "Epilogue" by Yael Weiss - Rehovot International Women’s film festival, Rehovot, Israel, September 2007
Best student film
"Illuminations" by Itai Froumin - ASIFA Israel competition/ collection, Tel-Aviv Cinematheuqe, Israel, August 2007
exæquo Special Distinction
“Beton” by Ariel Belinco and Michael Faust - Annecy International Animated Film Festival, Annecy, France, June 2007
Third place “Green shot” competition
"Celestina" by Ricardo Werdesheim - Ecocinema, Tel-aviv cinematheuqe, Israel, May 2007
Best student film
“Beton” by Ariel Belinco and Michael Faust - Internationales tricfilms Festival Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany, May 2007
Best 2-D Student Animation
“Syncopation” – by Sefi Giego
Best Student Experimental/Abstract Animation: “Circles” – by Jonathan Shohet - Redstick Festival, Louisiana State University LA USA, April 2007
Special mention
"Celestina" by Ricardo Werdesheim - KAFI, Kalamazoo Valley Community College, Kalamazoo, Michigan, USA, April 2007
Best dramatic animation
“Beton” by Ariel Belinco and Michael Faust - Aniboom competition 2006
Best student film
"Golem" by Alon Boroda and Ron Nadel
Special mention – "Celestina" by Ricardo Werdesheim - ASIFA Israel competition, Tel-Aviv cinematheque, Israel, August 2006
Exceptional merging between video and animation – “Smile” by Noam Abta and Yuval Markovitch - KROK international animated films festival, Russia, Ukraine, August 2006
First Prize - "Jonathan" by Adi Helman, Special Mention - "Veterans" by Tanya Aizikovich - DocAviv, Tel-Aviv cinematheque, Israel, April 2006
Love Letter To The One I Made Up - Rachel Gutgarts
The Bear (teaser) - Doreen Schwartzman
Head On - Lior Ben Horin
Luma - Carmel Ben Ami & Sohini Tal
This is how it starts - Shahaf Ram
A way of Being - Kobi Vogman
Eli - Reut Elad & Sagi Alter
Warm Snow - Ira Elshansky
Lady No. 4 - Tal Hadar
Floats - Idan Barzilay and Mor Israeli
Dreams & Tears - Yuval Barbash
Underneath the Refuge - Noa Evron
Reflections - Bosmat Agayoff & Alon Ziv
Happily Ever After - Yonni Aroussi and Ben Genislaw
Altneuland - Sariel Keslasi
Fluorescent by Eyal Oren and Tim Razumovsky
Out of Nowhere - Isca Mayo and Maayan Tzuriel
God is kidding - Boaz Balachsan and Dima Tretyakov
Deathbed: the musical - Liat Har-Gill
Howl - Natalie Bettelheim and Sharon Michaeli
Blue whale - Sivan Kidron
Keep Pace - Isca Mayo and Maayan Tzuriel
Beat - Or Bar-El
Man and Beast - Yishay Shemesh
Treasure hunt (trailer)- Nadan Pines
Between Bears - Eran Hilleli
Ishihara - Yoav Brill
Written in Pencil - Yaron Bar
The good knight story - Shoham Blau, Or Kantor and Amos Naim
Miracle lady - Michal Abulafia and Moran Somer
Moon seek - Dafna Cohen and Elad Dabush
Kill the armadill - Rotem Aharon and Yaniv Ben-Dor
Hardcover & Paperback - Uri Alonim and Moshe Servatka
Third person - Liron Hadad and Rotem Aharon
In a clear mind - Ofra Kobliner and Eli Ben David
True love hotel - Alon Gaash
Tiberians' dreams - Michal Carasso and Dana Manor Cohen
Tess has a stain on her dress - Eran Flax
Elephant - Nadav Arbel
Live life - Jonathan Paternak
Gary & Mildred - Rivka Press
Beton - Ariel Belinco and Michael Faust
Wild nature - Arik Ben-Ari, Oren Rubin and Avichai Yeyni
Super Grupper - Jonathan Grupper, Andrey Smirnow and Itay Cohen
Illuminations - Itai Froumin
Steps - Eran Lazar
Golem - Alon Boroda and Ron Nadel
Smile - Noam Abta and Yuval Markovich
Pause - Osi Wald
Celestina - Ricardo Werdesheim
Circles - Jonathan Shohet