Bezalel graduates are the Apple’s Design Award winners Yuval Markovich, Alon Simon and Oren Rubin Alumni Department of Visual Communication Department of Screen-Based Arts Awards & Accolades
Open Call | Participation in a mugs display and sale's event Department of Ceramics and Glass Design Department of Ceramics & Glass Design Call for Applications
Arch. Yuval Bar has been promoted to the rank of associate professor School of Architecture Architecture Lecturers Awards & Accolades
Portfolio | Interview with Hadas Maor: Generosity is a key word Media Publications Master's in Fine Arts Lecturers
Reuven Kuperman is the winner of the Discount Award at the Herzliya Museum Awards & Accolades Lecturers Department of Photography Department of Visual and Material Culture
Forms of Repeated Conservation | Prof. Einat Leader at an international workshop in Paris Department of Jewelry & Fashion Lecturers
Arch. Ilana Rudashevski is the winner of the Sapir Prize in the debut book category School of Architecture Awards & Accolades Lecturers
An Open Call | A research grant in the field of Jewish Creation (Material or Visual) Call for Applications Research & Innovation Authority Lecturers
Two short animated films by Bezalel graduates on the Oscar shortlist Tal Kantor and Karni Arieli Alumni Department of Photography Department of Screen-Based Arts
Starting the school year in the shadow of the war Preparation day for the teaching staff at the academy Cross Academic Lecturers Art & Design Teaching Center
Bezalel graduates are the winners of the Game of the Year award for Apple's iPad Yuval Markowitz, Alon Simon and Oren Rubin Awards & Accolades Alumni Lecturers Department of Screen-Based Arts
Bezalel congratulates the external lecturers who won an Excellence in Teaching Award for the 2022-2023 academic year Lecturers Awards & Accolades