The Ministry of Culture Awards in the field of plastic arts for 2022 Awards & Accolades Alumni Lecturers
Safi Hefetz and Sharon Yaari have been promoted to the rank of associate professor Lecturers Awards & Accolades Department of Photography Department of Industrial Design
Bezalel congratulates the graduates and lecturers nominated for the 2022 Edmond de Rothschild Award for Textile, Fashion and Jewelry Design Awards & Accolades Alumni Lecturers
Eti Jacobi and Avi Sabah are the winners of the 2022 Rappaport Prize Awards & Accolades Department of Fine Arts Lecturers
The Four Winners of the Edmond de Rothschild Award for Visual Communication Design 2020 are Bezalel Academy graduates and Faculty Members Awards & Accolades Department of Visual Communication Alumni Lecturers
70% of finalist in the Edmond de Rothchild Award for Design – are Bezalel graduates and lecturers Awards & Accolades Department of Visual Communication Alumni Lecturers
The lecturers of the Department of Architecture won second place in the competition for the design of the "Sheba Station Bridge" Architecture Lecturers Awards & Accolades
The Academy congratulates Roee Rosen, a lecturer from the Fine Art Department Awards & Accolades Lecturers Department of Fine Arts
Bezalel Academy Congratulates Awards & Accolades Lecturers Animation Department of Visual Communication
Practical tools for dealing with challenges and managing discourse in the classroom, on campus and in digital spaces Online meeting for lecturers Art & Design Teaching Center Emergency Initiatives Lecturers
Dealing with Emergency Routine: Personal and emotional organization in a situation of continuous stress Online meeting for lecturers Art & Design Teaching Center Dean of Students Emergency Initiatives Lecturers
Screening of the award-winning short doco-animation ‘Holy Holocaust’ and a meeting with the filmmakers Noa Berman-Herzberg and Ossie Wald Department of Screen-Based Arts Screening Lecturers