The Undergraduate Program in Landscape Architecture
תואר ראשון באדריכלות נוף
برنامج اللقب الأول في هندسة المناظر الطبيعية
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Undergraduate registration for the 2025-2026 academic year is in full swing and will close on 3.2.25.
With the current climate crisis, growing population density and the rising threat to our natural resources, the profession of landscape architecture is becoming ever more important in Israel and the world.
Landscape architecture deals with the planning and design of natural systems as lived environments; it integrates cultural, social, and ecological perspectives at varying scales, from public and open space systems to urban and regional design, infrastructure planning, the design of neighborhoods, and public institutions. Issues such as global warming, landscape restoration, urban forestry, storm water management, flood prevention and preservation of biological diversity have become central to the work of landscape architects and are redefining the profession.
The profession is recognized by the Registrar of Engineers and Architects in Israel.
The Undergraduate Degree Program in Landscape Architecture* is a joint program of Bezalel Academy of Art and Design and the Hebrew University. It is the only program of its kind in Israel, combining landscape. Architecture, taught at the Bezalel School of Architecture, with an in-depth study of plant sciences, ecology and environment at the Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment of the Hebrew University.
Through this unique collaboration, our goal is to train the next generation of designers with expertise in the fields of ecology and the environment. The joint program of Bezalel and the Hebrew University will provide students with a toolkit of design and planning skills based on ecology and natural systems. This comprehensive curriculum will prepare our graduates to deal with the increasing complexity of open space planning in the Israeli and global environment.