Yarden Colsey & Debora Fischer | Water Sounds Better With You | Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design, Jerusalem

Yarden Colsey & Debora Fischer | Water Sounds Better With You

A lecture followed by a discussion on an art project that combines machine learning, three-dimensional scans, and cultural and visual analysis of the kibbutz

A performative and explorative art project that took place within the community of Kfar Haruv kibbutz in southern Golan Heights. The artists collected data on community members using archival and current data. Using this data and an AI algorithm the artists created three new Kibbutz members. A new living room was constructed for the three new members, submerged in the Kibbutz swimming pool. 

A new Kibbutz ceremony was created for the exhibition opening. Kibbutz members were invited to swim and float above the new Kfar Haruv living room. 

This project weaves through notions of seeing, closeness and remembrance in a tight community fabric. Using raw, archival, local and personal data the artists aim to create a new world that is always in search of the common.

The event will take place in the Department of Architecture, room 214, and will be broadcast live on zoom.