Exhibition | Misto - Ukrainian cities during the war | Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design, Jerusalem

Exhibition | Misto - Ukrainian cities during the war


The Master’s Program in Policy and Theory of the Arts invites to an exhibition at the Koresh 14 Gallery, which presents the final project by Maria Dyshlyuk, Curatorial Track graduate.

׳Misto - Ukrainian cities during the war'  is a multimedia project based on interviews with Ukrainian who were forced to leave their homes because of the war, and a series of exhibitions about hometown, home and perception of the war.


Opening: Monday | September 23, 2024 | 19:00
Koresh 14 Gallery
Koresh 14, Jerusalem

מריה דישליוק, ׳Misto - ערים אוקראיניות במהלך המלחמה׳, פרויקט גמר, התכנית לתואר שני במדיניות ותיאוריה של האמנויות, מסלול אוצרות, 2023.
Maria Dyshlyuk, ׳Misto - Ukrainian cities during the war' 

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