Ziv Bar Ilan
Bezalel alumnus in industrial design, CEO and Founder of Zoybar. Since its launch, Zoybar has been recognized and awarded as a pioneer in the field of hardware design and innovation processes. In January 2010 Zoybar received the Atir award - Israeli Industrial Design Awards by the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Labor and the Israeli manufacturing association.
Since 2008 Zoybar is one of the first commercially successful open hardware companies with international business collaborations with partners such as The Blender Foundation and Shapeways Inc.
Over the years Bar Ilan has mentored and lectured in several design schools and think tanks such as the Masters program of industrial design at Bezalel and miLab the innovation lab at IDC to name a few. Aside from his academic work, Bar Ilan has given talks in Tech conventions such as ‘kinnernet’, miLab-The Innovation media lab (IDC, Herzelia) and Pecha Kucha TLV to name a few. Bar Ilan has also published several articles in magazines such as Innovation Journal, Design Management Review and odisea - a publication of the hebrew university, Jerusalem among others along with TV appearances on Reuters, ZDF and AFP among many others.