Arch. Adva Matar | Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design, Jerusalem

Arch. Adva Matar

Adva Matar is currently a Guest Ph.D. Student at the Department of Architecture and Built Environment at TUDelft, collaborating with the Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design Jerusalem. Her research focuses on mapping the heritage layer of nature and culture in metropolitan areas, investigating urban-rural linkages and their contribution to sustainable development. Furthermore, she serves as the academic coordinator of the Bezalel Institute for Spatial Studies and holds a lecturer position at the School of Architecture at Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design Jerusalem. Adva obtained her Master's degree in Urban Design (M.Urb.Des.) from Bezalel Academy in 2019 with honors, and her Bachelor's degree in Architecture and Town Planning (B.Arch.) from the Technion in 2015. Her expertise encompasses academic research, research-by-design projects commissioned by various authorities and stakeholders, teaching, and various architectural and design commissions.