Prof. Dror Pimentel
Prof. Dror Pimentel teaches at the Visual and Material Dept. and at the M.A. Program for Policy and Theory of the Arts. His main areas of expertise are continental philosophy, phenomenology, aesthetics and semiotics. His publications include: The Dream of Purity: Heidegger with Derrida (Magnes Press, 2009 [Hebrew]); Aesthetics (Bialik Institute, 2014 [Hebrew]); Heidegger with Derrida: Being Written (Palgrave Macmillan, 2019), Aesthethics: Of Hospitality in Art (Bialik Institute, 2024 [Hebrew]); and articles in: Iyyun: The Jerusalem Philosophical Quarterly; Heidegger Studies; British Journal of Aesthetics and Phenomenology; Performance Philosophy Journal; Inscriptions; Aesthetic Investigations, among others. He translated to Hebrew Heidegger’s Letter on “Humanism” (Magnes Press, 2018). His book Aesth-ethics: Art as an Ethic of Hospitality is about to appear at Palgrave-Macmillan NY.
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