אופנת רחוב סורגות את ירושלים | Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design, Jerusalem

אופנת רחוב סורגות את ירושלים

Total Hours
Semester B
Course Day
Time 10:00 - 13:00

Multiculturalism In these turbulent times of racist violence, massive immigration into Europe, blurring of borders and gender, questions of individual identity, place, and status among the collective arise. The goal of the multicultural approach is to create a new society, recognizing that heterogeneity is made possible by the movement of wandering and creates integration between the various cultures. The above approach explores issues that we will explore in the course, such as: a variety of different worlds, openness to differences, difficulties in accepting others, Emphasis on individual identity at the expense of belonging to the collective, the plurality between the groups and the new hybridism it produces. In the second stage we will place the work in the global space, We will examine the processes of creation and its results, its power and its ways of expression.