Matching Colors | Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design, Jerusalem

Matching Colors

Total Hours
Semester A
Course Day
Time 17:30 - 20:30

During the course we will explore the cloth textures and color combinations in the clothing choices of famous figures from the history of painting. We will learn to convey the appearance of the fabric in our realistic painting in order to evoke in the viewer a memory of touching the material in the past. We will examine warm and cold shades, Primary colors and complementary color-combinations in the textile representations in a painting. We will trace analog color combinations in clothing details, the contribution of neutral colors to monochromatic compositions and collections. At the same time as getting to know the connections and associations of the color effect and its emotional and psychological impact, we will experiment with the help of pastel chalks in tonal transitions, color mixing, pure and cloudy colors, conveying depth, volume, materiality and background relations with the image in the painting.

During the course we will learn to prepare tables of precise tonal transitions through color mixing.

We will copy realistic masterpieces that include complex fabric folds in order to convey the character and features of the original clothing item in the work.


*The workshop is suitable for those who have good basic knowledge and skill in figurative drawing from observing reality.