Ecologies of crisis: Architecture and Design Towards a Post-Anthropocene | Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design, Jerusalem

Ecologies of crisis: Architecture and Design Towards a Post-Anthropocene

Total Hours
Semester B
Course Day
10:00 - 13:30

In a world facing the climate crisis and social inequality, the role of architects and designers is more crucial than ever. The joint seminar of the  the Department of Visual and Material Culture and the School of Architecture invites you to explore the historical and theoretical contexts of these crises - which characterize the definition of our era as the "Age of Man", the Anthropocene - and your role in shaping a future of environmental, social and gender justice.

We will explore, through case studies and readings, the design responses to ecological crises, from the industrial revolution to the current climate emergency. We will examine how industrialization, colonialism, and spatial control affected the built environment and contributed to the climate crisis, focusing on its severe impact on the global south.

We will delve into theories of ecology, postcolonialism, gender and spatial justice, and learn how to use visual and cultural research methods (such as photography, mapping and participatory research) to uncover the complex interrelationships between ecological, economic and social problems.

The seminar offers a unique opportunity to rethink the role of design in a world of crises, and to develop critical thinking and visual tools that will make it possible to reveal the hidden connections between ecologies, economy, space (human and other) and design.