Daniel Oksenberg is the winner of the Osnat Mozes Painting Prize for Young Artists | Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design, Jerusalem

Daniel Oksenberg is the winner of the Osnat Mozes Painting Prize for Young Artists

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The winner of the 2024 Osnat Mozes Painting Prize for Young Artists, awarded in partnership with the Jerusalem Artists’ House, is Daniel Oksenberg, a 2016 graduate of the Department of Fine Arts.

The award, which includes a cash prize of 10,000 NIS and a solo exhibition at the Jerusalem Artists’ House, was launched in 2007. Oksenberg’s exhibition will open at the Jerusalem Artists’ House on November 2, 2024.

From the committee’s statement:

“Daniel Oksenberg’s painting is sensitive and sensual. Color meets color, texture meets texture. The paint is smeared, erased, scratched and layered. The image is constructed from a continuous exploration of the depths of pictorial language. It is a diverse, multi-directional and multi-dimensional painting – one with passion for the interplay of material, language and imagery.”

Oksenberg’s painting emerges from a search and a journey that is not predetermined. It appears as if he is looking to give form, color and substance to the inner depths of his soul, to places where words are no longer effective. The images appear and lose their shape instantaneously; flowers, fruit and organs are identified and disappear among the layers of the painting. The painting touches upon absence, loses its way, and from there blooms into something that is somehow alive, surprising and singular.

The value of exploration and experimentation in Oksenberg’s work is expressed also in its installation. The opportunity for a painting to be an installation is an intrinsic facet of Oksenberg’s work, stemming from the freedom of the painting to be experimental, exploratory and alive."

דניאל אוקסנברג
Daniel Oksenberg