Celebrate Create Connect | Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design, Jerusalem

Celebrate Create Connect

2018 Friends of Bezalel Gala


RSVP by 14 January, 2019 Here

Come meet jewelry designer Noga Mazover
at our GALA!
Noga is a contemporary jewelry artist and designer.
She is currently based in Jerusalem, after graduating
Bezalel Academy in 2018.

Noga specializes in 3D printed innovative designs and combining them with materials such as silver and gold.

Noga will bring a taste of her studio to our Gala, showcasing her work process, using the Formlabs 3D printer!

Thank you to our sponsors FORMLABS
check out these 3D printers and get your free sample HERE

Don't miss out on this exciting opportunity
to see artists in action.

It is only 3 weeks away