Arch. Adi Sela Wiener | Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design, Jerusalem

Arch. Adi Sela Wiener

A registered architect who specializes in Historic Preservation. She is an Adjunct Lecturer at the Department of Architecture, in the Urban Design Master's Degree Program, and in the Department of Visual and Material Culture. Adi serves as Bezalel Project Coordinator for EDICULA - Educational Digital Innovative Cultural heritage related Learning Activities (Erasmus+ Project). Adi received her B.Arch from the Faculty of Architecture and Town Planning, the Technion – Israel Institute of Technology. She holds a Diploma in Conservation of the Built Heritage from the Faculty of Arts, Tel Aviv University and Master of Art in Cultural Heritage and Preservation Studies from Rutgers University, N.J. Currently she is a PhD candidate at Sapienza University of Rome. She received the Bezalel Commendation for excellence in teaching (2021-22) She specializes in urban heritage, the Historic Urban Landscape (HUL) approach, ethics in conservation, documentation, evaluation, and conservation consultation. She is the conservation consultant for the Reginal Planning Unit at the Israel Planning Administration, the Southern Region Planning Committee, and for Holon Municipality. She was the Conservation Policy Coordinator for the Israel Antiquities Authority. Adi is the Chairperson of the Cultural Routes Scientific Committee, ICOMOS Israel, a voluntarily position.

Zina Dizengoff Square - Tel Aviv, Documentation file; Adi Sela Wiener, Keren Metrany, Tal Katzir, 2015; acrylic on canvas courtesy of the artist Rafi Peretz