English Skills Center
היחידה ללימודי אנגלית
مركز المهارات لتعلم الانجليزية
The English Unit
The English Unit at Bezalel is part of the Department of Material and Visual Culture and is involved with:
The aim of the English Language courses is to help students develop the four language skills of English learning -reading, writing, speaking and listening in order to become confident, independent learners and to be able to communicate successfully in the English language. In addition, the students will be well prepared to function and integrate into the professional world. The students will receive an exemption from studying English Language courses after passing the advanced level.
The English Content Based Courses
All students entering Bezalel at the Advanced level or with a "ptor" in English will be required to take one or two content-based courses in English. For these courses all the lectures, discussions, presentations, course material and assignments will be in English.
The English Skills Center was set up to assist and support those students taking content-based courses in English as well as students taking regular language courses. It will also assist faculty and administrative staff with their English needs.