I have been passionate about languages most of my life and I enjoy learning languages no less than teaching them. Searching for the most efficient language acquisition methods has become my personal and professional endeavor and an ordeal for my students. I have been polishing my skills over the last 10 years teaching English and Russian as a foreign language both individually and in groups, in person and online.
After moving to Israel in 2017 I started serving as a language teacher at LinguaCom – a private language center where I worked with students who had learning disabilities – and later at Global One where I got to teach the employees of the Bank of Israel, E&Y, HP, etc. Two years later I joined the world of academia and I am now delivering English courses to the students of Humanities at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and the students of Art and Design at Bezalel.
I hold an MA in International Relations with the State Linguistic University ‘N. A. Dobrolyubov’. Soon after graduation I decided to change my field and started teaching, continuously acquiring pedagogical skills by means of self-education, peer learning and multiple online courses.
I consider non-verbal communication as fascinating as languages which explains my second life-long passion – dancing. I am also into all things psychological.
Prosminer - the book as an object
Advanced graphic design
Building Technology 5 Building Systems 2
Screen-based tools 3- Information-based programming