Earthquake - Design for extreme scenarios | Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design, Jerusalem

Earthquake - Design for extreme scenarios

Total Hours
Semester B
Course Day
Time 14:00 - 17:00
Industrial Design (B.DES.)

Earthquake - Design for extreme scenarios

The Earth symbolizes the foundation of stability, the initial order and existence. Thus, an earthquake symbolizes more than any instability, extremism, upheaval, unexpected, chaos. Extreme scenarios such as earthquakes, floods and tsunamis are thought-provoking, motivating power for taking action, survival. These scenarios tend to sharpen the distinction between necessity and redundancy

The climate change crisis creates an aggravation in the intensity and frequency of extreme scenarios, the circle of affected, displaced populations, who are forced to live and survive in conditions of shortage and uncertainty, is also expanding. The course focuses on design for communities and environments that are about to be affected, for people whose lives are about to turn upside down in an instant while using a crisis to create an opportunity.