Workshop on nature-based solutions and urban forestry The Master's Degree Program in Urban Design The School of Architecture Master's in Urban Design
Landscape Architect Lior Lovinger | Lecture at the School of Architecture Guest Lectures The School of Architecture Master's in Urban Design Events
Field of interests Planning | The Metro System in the Metropolitan Tel Aviv Area Master's in Urban Design The School of Architecture
Bezalel Pavilion celebratory opening event in the presence of the Mayor of Jerusalem Architecture Master's in Urban Design
New Approaches to Urban Heritage Futures - the Case of Tel Aviv - Yafo The School of Architecture Conferences & Seminars
Prof. Regina Stephan | Insights into Research: Planning and Building in NS Germany Master's in Urban Design Architecture Guest Lectures
Who’s Next? Homelessness, Architecture, and Cities | Dr. Daniel Talesnik Master's in Urban Design Online Event Guest Lectures
The EDICULA Project | The Historic City of Jerusalem, The Holy Sepulchre: A Hands-on Experience Educational Digital Innovative Cultural heritage related Learning Activities Master's in Urban Design Conferences & Seminars UNESCO
Bartomeu Deya | Guest Lecture Responsible Tourism in a Rural Cultural Landscape in Mallorca - Resilience and Traditional Values Master's in Urban Design
Neil Silberman | Heritage Ethics: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly Master's in Urban Design Guest Lectures
Conference | Digitizing Jerusalem’s Archives: Urban Heritage in the Age of Digital Culture Master's in Urban Design Conferences & Seminars