Bezalel UK
ידידי בצלאל, בריטניה
أصدقاء بتسلئيل، المملكة المتحدة
For tax-deductible donations, Bezalel UK works under the auspices of UK Gives Ltd. (charity no. 1161366), as one of their Israeli-based projects.
To make your donation:
- Via debit or credit card: - Via Bank Transfer:
Account: UK Gives Ltd.
Bank: Bank: Lloyds Bank
Sort code: 771703
Account: 39408560
For reference, please be sure to mark in the “notes/reference” the ID number of Bezalel Academy: 580044345
UK Gives will issue a tax receipt to your email, and we will send confirmation as well once we see the donation has gone through.
For more information:
Danna Heller
Bezalel UK Director, London