Third Job Fair at Bezalel | Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design, Jerusalem

Third Job Fair at Bezalel


The Career Development Space and Student Union invite all students to take part in the Third Job Fair at Bezalel

Organizations, design and advertising firms, and companies from the creative industry will participate in the fair alongside Bezalel graduates—entrepreneurs and independent business owners who will have booths selling art and design products.

During the fair you will be able to meet, consult with, and hear about the worlds of professional and independent employment in preparation for entering the job market after graduation.

During the fair, Portfolio review sessions will be held with leading designers, on behalf of the Wix and Lightricks companies. The sessions are intended for fourth-year students from the Department of Visual Communication and the Department of Screen-Based Arts.

Tuesday | 4.6.24 | 12:00
Main entrance lobby
Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design Jerusalem
Jack, Joseph and Morton Mandel Campus, 1 Zmora St., Jerusalem

יריד מכירה ברחבת קמפוס בצלאל
Photo: Noam Debel