Dean of Students דקנאט הסטודנטים והסטודנטיות مكتب عميد الطلبة About Us Staff Scholarships, Financial Aid, Housing Adjusting to Life at the Academy Prizes for Academic Excellence Support Center Equal Opportunities Bezalel in the Community Teaching Certificate Multiculturalism and Diversity Shelly Hershko - Dean of Students 052-5346004 Read More Tamar Arman - Social engagement, multiculturalism, and social mentorship for 1st year students Liora Tas - Director of Emotional and Academic Support Systems for Students 02-5893220 Aidan Naftali - Financial and Budget Coordinator 02-5893269 Asaf Alkalai - Teaching certificate and social programs 052-6123990 Marwa Bakri - Student Coordinator for the Arab Society 02-5893228 Efrat Cohen - Oman - Haredi Extension 02-5893373 Administrative Coordinators, Office of the Dean of Students - Stef Susnow, Shahaf Skaletzky 02-5893373 What's going on at Bezalel 5.3.25 – 19.3.25 Exhibition | The House Question Department of Photography School of Architecture Photography Exhibition 18.2.25 Book Launch | Franz Kafka – 'The Drawings' Events Department of Visual and Material Culture 13.2.25 Black Tear | Exhibition at the Bezalel Gallery of Contemporary Art Bezalel Gallery Of Contemporary Art Exhibition Master's in Fine Arts 11.2.25 “Lost Garden,” the final project of a graduate of the Department of Visual Communication, won Honorable Mention at the IGF Games Festival Department of Visual Communication Awards & Accolades Alumni
5.3.25 – 19.3.25 Exhibition | The House Question Department of Photography School of Architecture Photography Exhibition
13.2.25 Black Tear | Exhibition at the Bezalel Gallery of Contemporary Art Bezalel Gallery Of Contemporary Art Exhibition Master's in Fine Arts
11.2.25 “Lost Garden,” the final project of a graduate of the Department of Visual Communication, won Honorable Mention at the IGF Games Festival Department of Visual Communication Awards & Accolades Alumni