Master's Program in Policy and Theory of the Arts (M.A.)
התכנית לתואר שני במדיניות ותיאוריה של האמנויות
برنامج اللقب الثاني في السياسة ونظرية الفنون
The program aspires to combine theoretical exploration of the field of art, design and culture in Israel with a profound understanding of the essence and history of art, and familiarity with the processes taking place in the field of art and culture in Israel today, as well as becoming involved and operating in it.
The program accepts bachelor's degree graduates who completed their training in the various creative worlds taught at the Bezalel Academy and at other art and design institutions, or in humanities and social studies, seeking a unique activity through which they can continue their studies or acquire the intellectual background required for their specialized professional career.
The program, with its two specialized majors (the curatorial studies major and the art criticism major) will provide the students with a broad theoretical foundation in such aspects of the global and Israeli art and culture world as theory, art criticism and current research.
The curatorial studies major program is intended to train a new generation of professional curators possessing an extensive historic and theoretical background. Understanding the importance of the process of training curators, the curriculum for this major program includes a diversified range of courses that combine the theoretical and practical aspects of the curator's function with the various elements thereof, which are intended to enrich and broaden the capabilities of the curator as the person entrusted with an important mediating function between the creative artists and the audience.
The art criticism major program is intended to train a new generation of professional art critics possessing an extensive historic and theoretical background. The curriculum for this major program includes courses that combine between the theoretic aspects of artistic creation and the practical aspects of writing, while perfecting the students' writing, written expression and critical skills.
The range of courses offered by both major programs will enable the student to consolidate an in-depth specialization (major) direction through both thesis-based and non thesis-based curricular activities. The small study groups and personal instruction will ensure personal attention and close contact between the students and lecturers. The unique creative environment of the Bezalel Academy will enable the students to come into direct contact with contemporary art and design practices.